Chat with msn contacts using Opera built-in IRC Shiyon Instant messenger, Tutorials Did you know that opera can be used as a chat client using its built-in IRC?Here are the steps to make opera a chat client:1. Go to Tools > Mail and chat accounts.2. Create a new account and select New Chat(IRC) account and click next.3. Fill name, e-mail and nick name in the next window.4. Type the server name as ''.5. A tab will be opened in the background with the title "&bitlbee". Select it and type "register" followed by your password and press enter.6. In the same space write 'account add msn' followed by your username and password. e.g., 'account add msn yourwindowsliveemail yourwindowslivepassword'.7. Next write 'account on' and you should be ready to talk with your msn contacts.One last thing: when you log into opera chat, in order to use the msn chat you have to choose the "" channel and then type "identify" followed by the password you entered in step 5.Finally you are able to chat with your msn friends using opera without annoying objects. But you can't send or receive files using this.