Age of Mythology Extended Edition: Tale of the Dragon, the second expansion to the decade old game has been released on Steam.

We reported about the launch of the game, a few days ago, along with some information about the Gods of the Chinese Civilization.
Tale of the Dragon is the name given to the Chinese single player campaign, in the game. We bought the game and tested it for a while. One odd thing in the campaign, is that it directly goes to the story, and does not feature a tutorial video. But you can find one from the Learn To Play Menu. The single payer campaign is fully voice acted and the cinematics appear to be good.

The Chinese civilization in Age of Mythology Extended Edition has three special features:
1. Gardens - The Chinese build gardens to gain favor (one of the resources used for creating myth units, researching special upgrades, etc). Gardens can also generate resources.
This appears to be a combination of the Egyptian Civilzation in AoM, and the Japanese civilzation in Age of Empires III, who use Shrines to generate income.
2. Immortals - Each civilization can have 8 immortals, who are skilled in both ranged and melee combat. They also excel vs myth units.
This appears to be a combo of the general heroes and units from AOE 3 as well as the Norse "Hersir" heroes (as they are the only generic heroes you can create).
3. Monks - These priests can heal injured soldiers, and also convert enemy soldiers.
This is a unit obviously taken from Age of Empires II.
Apart from these, there are new God powers including a Tsunami, a Geyser and even summoning a Dragon. The Chinese have three Major Gods, and nine Minor Gods. There are new myth units, soldiers, random maps, and many more.

Age of Mythology EX: Tale of the Dragon Minimum System Requirements:
OS: Windows Vista, 7, 8.1+
Processor: 1.6 Ghz
Memory: 1 GB RAM
Graphics: Direct X 10+ Capable GPU
DirectX: Version 10
Sound Card: Direct X Compatible Sound Card
Additional Notes: GPU at least (Integrated HD 3000, 8600GT, etc)
You can buy Age of Mythology EX just $7.49 or Rs 182 (75% off). The full game set AOM Ex Plus Tale of the Dragon is also on sale at 50% off for just $15.55 or Rs 346. Sadly, Microsoft is not offering the Tale of the Dragon DLC on sale, it is only being sold at the full price of Rs 369.
The offer is valid until Monday, February 1st at 10AM Pacific Time. And contrary to many reviews, Age of Mythology Extended Edition works fine on Windows 10.