Technology, Smartphones, Games

One UI 2 with Android 10 for Samsung Galaxy Note 10 + is Available for all in India

Android 10 satble for Note 10

For Samsung Galaxy Note 10 and Samsung Galaxy Note 10+ users stable version of One UI 2 with Android 10 update is available.  The update is available for the following countries






If you’re from a country listed above, you may download the One UI 2 with  Android 10 for your Samsung Galaxy Note 10. Go to settings and open Software Update section and tap Download and install on your phone.

The download size is 1921.07 MB.

Security patch level: 1 December 2019

Version: N975FXXU1BSL7/N975FOXM1BSL7/N975FXXU1BSL4

What is New

Screenshot_20191219-074037_Software update
 Screenshot_20191219-074045_Software update

 Screenshot_20191219-074054_Software update

 Screenshot_20191219-074118_Software update

Dark Mode

Improved Layout and clearer Icons and colors

Smoother Animations

New Navigation gestures

Better one handed mode operations

Better text over wallpapers

Show fingerprint icon when the screen is Off

More detailed battery usage details

Digital Welbeing

Focus modes

Parental Controls

Improved camera layout and more options to edit the modes

Trash features for Contacts, Files. This will keep the deleted item for next 15 days in Trash in case you want it back.

Repeating reminder option

Sped and time units in calculator

Pre loaded Android Auto


