Technology, Smartphones, Games

Free Racing Game TrackMania Nations Forever

TrackMania Nations Forever is a free racing game. A free game in the truest sense of the word, TrackMania Nations Forever lets you drive at mind-blowing speeds on fun and spectacular tracks in solo and multiplayer modes.TrackMania Nations Forev... [More]

Collection of more than 100 Free WordPress themes

Here you can see four collections of Free WordPress themes .  More than 100 Free WordPress themes in four collections, but on the first collection check the  "related post from the past" section to see more collections on that web... [More]

Superb examples of photo manipulation

Here 8 examples of Superb examples of photo manipulation. And you can see a collection of 60 Superb examples of photo manipulation here at Creative Nerds (Bigger and with link to the originals)

Warzone 2100 - open source real-time strategy game

  Warzone 2100  is an open source real time strategy game similar to Command and Conquer In Warzone 2100, you command the forces of "The Project" in a battle to rebuild the world after mankind has almost been destroyed by nucle... [More]

Free eBook on Microsoft Office 2010 from Microsoft

First Look Microsoft Office 2010 This book is available in XPS and PDF formats.  First Look Microsoft Office 2010 having 14 chapters Part I, “Envision the Possibilities,” introduces you to the changes in Office 2010 and shows you how yo... [More]

Geekiest Pages

Hit 96.7 FM - Malayalam You can listen to the Hit 96.7 Fm live from here   About Geekiest Social Media Updater This application will use minimum web traffic. It uses web traffic just to authorize the Facebook/Twitter (only once) and then w... [More]

Indian Rupee Symbol and Font

Indian Rupee Symbol was finalized a few days back. The new font is used the Devnagiri letter Ra (र) and Roman letter R. This design is done by IIT post-graduate Udaya Kumar. Now to  How to get the new Indian rupee symbol font 1. Go to the For... [More]