Technology, Smartphones, Games

Catalog of best-sellers that are free on Amazon

Amazon offers eBooks which you can add to Kindle and read it on your Computer, Mobile phones or Tablets by installing the Kindle application. Amazon offers some free eBooks also and the website Hundred Zeros is a catalog of best selling ebooks which ... [More]

Free 1GB JustCloud account is a online cloud backup and file storage system, which offers synchronization with many platforms like Windows,Mac, iPhone, iPad, Android and Blackberry. Professional Cloud Storage from JustCloud is Simple, Fast and Unlimited. ... [More]

Convert your photos into Paintings online

psykopaint is an online tool (website) which will help you to convert a photo to an artwork. It is really simply, but it may take time to master it and create stunning art works. The image above shows you one original image and artwork created by a u... [More]

Google Art Project - Explore museums and artworks

Using Google Art Project you view and explore hundreds of Art works or museums Explore museums from around the world, discover and view hundreds of artworks at incredible zoom levels, and even create and share your own collection of masterpieces... [More]

14 Free E-Books for Designers and Developers

1. Dive Into HTML5 by Mark Pilgrim 2. Designing for the Web by Mark Boulton 3. jQuery Fundamentals by Rebecca Murphey 4. Designing Interfaces by Jenifer Tidwell 5. The Elements of Typographic Style Applied to the Web by Robert Bringhurst ... [More]

Free eBook - Picture Perfect: Set Up Your Own Photoblog

Another eBook from MakeUseOf This manual breaks down the main tools you can use to set up a photoblog, including ones you can host on your domain and ones you can quickly use free of charge. You’ll see examples of photoblogging done well, and ste... [More]