Technology, Smartphones, Games

Latest Nokia E63 Firmware Version 410.21.010

I have not checked for latest firm ware version for my Nokia E63. Today when i checked it showed a latest version 410.21.010. I have read some forum that there is a version 410.21.013 available for some other RM. To check for latest firmware for you... [More]

Cool mobile phone theme for BlogEngine

RTUR.NET have designed a cool theme for (If you access a blogengine blog from a mobile device , blogengine will use this theme if you set this as the default mobile theme). Home page will display the categories and then the post he... [More]

Mobile Firefox available for Nokia N900

Mozilla released a mobile version of its browser Firefox.  Currently it is availbale only for one mobile platform which is , Nokia’s Maemo platform.Only Nokia N900 uses this Operating system. Some features from the official blog Awesom... [More]

Use two SIM cards at a time in iPhone 3G / 3Gs

Dual SIMcard adapter is now available for iPhone also. the price varies between $30 - $60. check the following two items on USB fever 1. 3-in-1 External Battery with DUAL SIM Function for iPhone 3G / 3Gs Features: - One iPhone (3G / 3G s) with ... [More]