Things I installed after formatting - 25 freewares and 1 Shareware Things I installed after formatting Hard disk drive. Just check the list, except Winrar (it is a shareware), 25 Freewares, which completes my requirments. 1. Service Pack 3 2. McAfee Security Center Special edition from AOL 3. IE 8 Beta 4. Opera ... [More]
Adsense Extension for If you are using for your blogging and if you want to put Google adsense in your blog, there is an extension for this.Adsense Injector extension for BlogEngine.NET. Add this extension and add ads. You have too many options with this e... [More]
Quote of the Day - Random image- random quote As I said earlier here is code for the Image creation like the picture is showing below the header with quote, IP, Browser, OS . This is using a XML file which is used the Quote of the day widget. Check Quote of the Day also. if you are going ... [More]
A Slide Show Widget using Picasa and Flickr RSS feeds for BlogEngine.NET I was thinking of a slide show for my Blog. We have already a slide show using Silverlight from Dann [More]
Virtual Desktops for Windows 1. Virtua Win VirtuaWin is a virtual desktop manager for the Windows operating system (Win9x/ME/NT/ [More]