elRTE & elFinder- Open source WYSIWYG editor and open-source file manager for website elRTE elRTE is an open-source WYSIWYG HTML editor, which is written using jQuery. You can use this on your CMS websites s or blogs. Features Advanced work with CSS Setting indentation (margins, paddings) for images and table cel... [More]
Bend - a replacement for Notepad I was using Notepad++ as a text editor. Today I came across another notepad alternative Bend an Open [More]
Warzone 2100 - open source real-time strategy game Warzone 2100 is an open source real time strategy game similar to Command and Conquer In Warzone 2100, you command the forces of "The Project" in a battle to rebuild the world after mankind has almost been destroyed by nucle... [More]
PortableApps.com Suite and Platform 1.6.1 Released PortableApps.com released the portable apps Suite and Platform 1.6.1 . This new update includes bug fixes for showing and hiding the menu, updated and new translations and updates to all included apps to the latest version and the new PortableApp... [More]
An Open source URL shortner ASP.NET C# ShortUrl-Dotnet is a free and open source URL shortner which you can use if you are having a ASP.NET hosting and a MSSQL or MySql server for data storage. to implement this 1. Go to the application page 2. Click “Download Now” and save shorturl-do... [More]
Collection of BlogEngine.net Themes Am using BlogEngine.NET (open source) for this blog. If you are also using the same engine for your blog and if you are searching for some themes, you can find some themes i wrote below 1. Premium – A 3 column template 2. illacrimo 3. 4 Templates ... [More]
Twitter Live writer Plug-in - post to different twitter accounts I was using Twitter Notify windows live writer plug-in to tweet after a post in my blog. It is a great plug-in. The only issue i faced was I use two twitter accounts for two different blogs, so it is difficult to switch users and enter the password a... [More]
Post to Twitter with out visiting the Twitter site using C# I have just written an application which will allow you to post to Twitter with out visiting the website. This is just a small exe file of 36KB size. 1. It will not store your Twitter username or password anywhere – so you will have to en... [More]
How to Open a file with unknown Extension If you received a file with unknown extension, how will you find the proper application to open it ? [More]
Blogengine and Googlemail (Gmail) I just moved from godaddy to reliabehost, so i was using Godaddy’s relaying for sending mails (SMTP in settings). Now am using google apps for my mail service, so wanted to change the settings, but what ever things I tried to change the test mail sen... [More]