Could not access some websites I was unable to access some websites from my home machine like opera, comstat etc. While Google,yahoo, MSn does not have any issues. So i just searched for the solution. I found articles saying too many things to solve this issues, most of them faile... [More]
Secure your shared computer Do you have a “Internet browsing center”, School or Library computer (Are you sharing a computer with more than one users) and are you having problems with installing unwanted programs, or downloading unwanted files. Are you wasting time to reconfigu... [More]
How to change your password For security reasons you may need to change your passwords. For some services it is not that easy to [More]
Desktop Blogging Client for Are you using as your blogging platform? Here is two Desktop blogging clients which you can use for your blog editing and publishing. 1. Windows live writer From Microsoft, Free Now am using the latest technical preview of Windows L... [More] and Windows live writer When I configured my blogengine blog to windows live writer, one site, it worked without givin [More]
Windows Tips I just checked the Twek UI power toy, and got these tips from that. Some of them are simple but still it is good. Press Win+L to switch to the Welcome screen. ----- Press Win+L to lock your workstation. ----- You can switch users ... [More]
Quote of the Day - Random image- random quote As I said earlier here is code for the Image creation like the picture is showing below the header with quote, IP, Browser, OS . This is using a XML file which is used the Quote of the day widget. Check Quote of the Day also. if you are going ... [More]
Unable to attach: the binding handle is invalid I got an error when debugging using Visual Studio 2005 like "unable to attach the binding handle is invalid". I had a search in google and find that this is because the Terminal service is Stopped (actually it is disabled). So i just enabled it it an... [More]
Free from Microsoft Here is some power toys from microsoft 1. Color Control Panel Applet : Professional-level photograp [More]
Virtual Desktops for Windows 1. Virtua Win VirtuaWin is a virtual desktop manager for the Windows operating system (Win9x/ME/NT/ [More]