Telegram Crossed 100 million Active users and 15 billion daily messages Telegram Cossed 100 million active users. [More]
Truemessenger – SMS manager from True caller to keep your SMS inbox clean Find out who sent a message even the number is not in your contact list with True Messenger. [More]
WhatsApp Call is now available for Windows Phone users WhatsApp Call is now available on Windows Phone. [More]
Video calling in Facebook Messenger - Now available on 18 countries Facebook introducing Video calling to Facebook messenger. Now available over 18 countries. [More]
WhatsApp–Backup chats to Google Drive WhatsApp now supports backingup of chats to Google Drive. Here is how to enable it. [More]
How to get WhatsApp Call option If you still don't have the call option enabled on WhatsApp here is how you can get it [More]
Pushbullet allows you to reply to WhatsApp, Hangouts, And More from your computer You can now reply to messages on WhatsApp, Hangouts, and more messaging applications from the Pushbullet on your computer. [More]