Fifa World Cup 2010 Opening Ceremony on Photosynth Opening Ceremony of the FIFA Football World Cup 2010 - South Africa held at Soccer City, Johannesburg on 11 June 2010 is PhotoSynthed and you can see it here They used 125 photos to create this PhotoSynth. You can try it on 3D viewer if you... [More]
Two websites to get Google AdSense account approved You may be applied for a Google AdSense account and may got rejected, Or you don't have a domain for applying or your domain is not a six month old one, here is a method to get a Google AdSense account with out much effort. Using this method you can ... [More]
Free YouTube song downloader song Here a software that will help you to download music as Mp3 or Video. Abel Soft YouTube Song downloader is easy to use and really useful application for music lovers. Just search the and download from the listed songs, it is as simple as tha... [More]
Convert Videos for your Mobile phones like E63, E71 and E72 I downloaded a video from YouTube (Waka Waka (This Time for Africa) (The Official 2010 FIFA Song) ). BTW watch it here And i tried to play it on my Nokia E63, but failed. I tried to convert it to many formats but all failed. Then searched how i ca... [More]
Fifa world cup 2010 Utilities and online services See few utilities like desktop applications, Excel file etc which will help you to track the Fifa world cup 2010. Also some themes for your Firefox. 1. Free Fifa world cup 2010 Desk top application This application will help you to keep t... [More]
Fifa world cup 2010 and Twitter Earlier we have posted about the Twitter accounts of Fifa Fifa official twitter accounts and world cup 2010 Live updates on Twitter. Now here are some other twitter things related to Fifa world cup 2010 1. the Hash tags. Twitter is adding... [More]
Fifa World Cup 2010 Wallpaper and Windows 7 Theme from Geekiest Fifa world cup 2010 is so close, geekiest is giving a Wallpaper (designed By Shiyon) and a Windows 7 Theme to download. This wall paper is available in 5 sizes. If you could not find a size matching your screen resolution, you may leave a comme... [More]
Watch All FIFA world cup 2010 South Africa stadiums on Google 3D street view Watch All FIFA world cup 2010 South Africa stadiums Google 3D street view 1. Go to the Google maps here and select one city 2. Select a stadium and click on street view 3. Here is a sample Watch more Fifa world cup 2010 South... [More]
Awesome FIFA world 2010 Schedule - Calender Here is an awesome online Fifa world 2010 Schedule. Using this you can easily find the Schedule by categorized into Team, Date, Stadium and groups. You need to mouse over on a specific item it will display the scedule of thar particular item... [More]
Fifa world cup 2010 theme for Windows 7 from Microsoft Fifa world cup 2010 South Africa is so close and Microsoft is also joining the party with a new Windows 7 Theme. It includes 10 wallpapers from the EA sports game Bring the excitement of the World Cup to your desktop with this Windows 7 ... [More]