Get The Most Popular Bing Images for 2013 Wallpapers & Screensaver Microsoft Bing have released a list of the most popular Bing Homepages for 2013. The following images were the top ten images for the year. You can download them all for free in one EXE package, which has the images as Wallpa... [More]
New year wallpaper collection 2014 New year is close, and here is a collection of beautiful wallpapers. and We wish you a very happy 2014 in advance. Chinese New year starts on January 31st and this year the Animal sign is Horse. So we have added few Chinese new year wallpapers too on... [More]
Navratri wallpaper collection Navaratri is a festival dedicated to the worship of the Hindu deity Durga. The word Navaratri means [More]
Wallpappers from Windows 8.1 RTM Windows 8.1 will be released soon, and it will be a free upgrade to all windows 8 Users. Here are the wallpapers from the Windows 8.1 RTM, which leaked few days before. This includes 9 wallpapers which you can see below 8 o... [More]
Wallpapers for your Android Phones - Huge collection of 801 wallpapers Samer Zayer’s photo album in Google Plus is having a wonderful collection of Android phone wallpapers. he have collected 801 wallpapers so far and still counting . If you are interested you can get wallpapers from this link to his album. I must say ... [More]
Happy valentine’s day 2013 Top HD wallpapers. Here are some good quality “Happy Valentine’s Day” wallpapers to wish your loved ones on this romantic valentine’s day. Click Here to view/Download the original image!!! ... [More]
Ramadan Kareem Windows 7 Theme and Wallpapers First of all Geekiest.Net wish you all Ramadan Kareem. Earlier we have posted (2 years back) about a windows 7 theme which Microsoft released on Ramadan. That one is removed from Microsoft website now, so we thought about sharing it again. This wind... [More]
Decorated Eggs Windows 7 Theme from Microsoft for this Easter You won’t have to hunt long to find the brightly colored eggs in this free theme for Windows 7. Get all the fun of finding chocolate-covered, candy-coated goodness without the calories. This theme have 13 beautiful decorated Eggs wallpap... [More]
28 beautiful Wallpapers 28 wallpapers It looks cool on my Samsung Galaxy S2 too. Download as a zip file (check the text file for the original (high resolution) images) - http://www.multiuploa... [More]
Five new official Windows 7 themes from Microsoft Microsoft has released five new official themes for windows 7 - City Lights, Taiwan Sketches, Behin [More]