Bing Code Search for C# - Visual Studio extension Microsoft released Official Bing extension for Visual Studio. This will help developers to search and re-use the code snippets from sites like MSDN, StackOverflow, Dotnetperls and CSharp411. You can search what you want directly from the Int... [More]
Pretty Paste - Visual Studio Extension pretty paste is simple Visual Studio Extension which will help you to paste copied text with out extra line. Supports : Visual Studio 2012 How it works Just paste any copied code into VS as you normally would. Paste F... [More]
Image optimizer extension for Visual Studio 2010 Mads Kristensen wrote an Extension for Visual Studio 2010 to optimize images inside folders with just one click. This extension will be really helpful for Web developers where the image size is an issue always. You can select one more more folders (... [More]