Virus Alert - Notice to appear in court I just received a mail with subject “Court notification N#9456” and the following content Notice to appear in court, Please take notice that you have to come to the hearing of your case that will be held in the Court of N... [More]
Anatomy of a Computer Virus - Stuxnet An infographic dissecting the nature and ramifications of Stuxnet, the first weapon made entirely out of code. This was produced for Australian TV program HungryBeast on Australia's ABC1 When first discovered in 2010, the Stuxnet computer wor... [More]
Threat Alert - Oficla downloads MBR Ransomware Avira Reported a new ransomware threat which is downloaded by a Trojan of the Oficla family. This threat on successful download will rewrite the Mater Boor Record (MBR) of the affected system with its own and which will ask for a password to lo... [More]
Black Friday Blackhat SEO scam Panda security labs reported a Black Friday Blackhat SEO scam. Opening the link will install Fake Antivirus on your computer. Clicking on the link in the Firefox browser will redirect you to a fake Firefox “update” website, which will the... [More]
Scan your Email Attachments Without downloading You may get suspicious email attachments even from your friends. So what you can do is discard the e [More]