9 Free Cloud Storage and online backup Services Here are 9 Cloud storage or online backup services you may find helpful. These will help you to save files online. This is not a detailed review of these services, while just wanted to list the services and specify the storage space and synchronizing... [More]
Google Drive - Free 5GB cloud storage space Earlier today we wrote about SkyDrive from Microsoft here which gives you Free 7 Gb storage space (existing users can get 25 GB). Google Drive is a cloud online storage space which will give you 5GB free online space for all. In Google Drive, you... [More]
SkyDrive - Keep your 25 GB online space and Download the desktop application SkyDrive was giving 25 GB free online space for all its users. Microsoft decided to reduce it to 7Gb. But if you are an existing user (who has uploaded files to SkyDrive as of April 22nd ) you can keep the 25 GB otherwise you will have... [More]