Lumia Black Update Rolling Out in India Indian Lumia users, Nokia is rolling out the Lumia Black Update for you. As of now 520, 625, 820,920,925 and 1020 will get the update while 620 and 720 users will have to wait few more days to get their update approved. ... [More]
Nokia E63 latest Firmware version 500.21.009 available This software release brings Nokia's Comes With Music service to your device, along with an improved Music player application. When you register your device with the Comes With Music service, you can download songs from Ovi Music for free. In additio... [More]
Latest Nokia E63 Firmware Version 410.21.010 I have not checked for latest firm ware version for my Nokia E63. Today when i checked it showed a latest version 410.21.010. I have read some forum that there is a version 410.21.013 available for some other RM. To check for latest firmware for you... [More]
Nokia Smart phone firmware Update Are you using a nokia having symbian inside? You can update the firmware using Nokia phone update [More]