Live Writer Plug-in for embedding YouTube videos more efficiently Simple Live Writer plug-in to embed YouTube videos more efficiently and improve page speed. [More]
Windows Live Writer Plug-in to Update Twitter Status with Twitter oAuth Yesterday I finished changing the Windows Live Writer Plug-in which will help you to update your twitter status when ever you post from your Windows Live Writer. The earlier versions where using the username and password to authenticate twitter (Twit... [More]
New Twitter Plug-in for Windows Live Writer First of all I need to thank aaronjbregel, Scott Lovegrove, just because of them I modified the Twitter plug-in for Windows Live writer which I wrote earlier. The one which I wrote earlier was not ready to any users (You need to change the code... [More]
Twitter Live writer Plug-in - post to different twitter accounts I was using Twitter Notify windows live writer plug-in to tweet after a post in my blog. It is a great plug-in. The only issue i faced was I use two twitter accounts for two different blogs, so it is difficult to switch users and enter the password a... [More]