Redmi 5A with 5.0-inch HD display, Snapdragon 425, 3000mAh battery launched, will be priced at Rs. 4,999 for first 5 million buyers Redmi 5A with 5.0-inch HD display, Snapdragon 425, 3000mAh battery launched, will be priced at Rs. 4,999 for first 5 million buyers [More]
Datally is a new app from Google, to help you restrict mobile data usage on a per-app basis Datally is a new app from Google, to help you restrict mobile data usage [More]
OnePlus 5T is now permanently available on open sale in India OnePlus 5T is now permanently available on open sale in India [More]
Xiaomi to launch a Desh Ka Smartphone on November 30th in India, hints at good battery life and performance Xiaomi to launch a Desh Ka Smartphone on November 30th in India, hints at good battery life and performance [More]
OnePlus 5 Android Oreo Update Open Beta released OnePlus 5 Android Oreo Update Open Beta released [More]
Nokia 2 with Android 7.1.1 Nougat, 4100 mAh battery launched for Rs. 6,999 in India Nokia 2 with Android 7.1.1 Nougat, 4100 mAh battery launched for Rs. 6,999 in India [More]
OnePlus 5T AMA sees a lot of honest answers to user's questions OnePlus 5T AMA sees a lot of honest answers to user's questions [More]
Android 8.0 Oreo update for the OnePlus 3 and 3T rolls out as OxygenOS 5.0 Android 8.0 Oreo update for the OnePlus 3 and 3T rolls out as OxygenOS 5.0 [More]
OnePlus 5T officially launched, prices start at Rs. 32,999 ($499, €499, £449) OnePlus 5T officially launched, prices start at Rs. 32,999 ($499, €499, £449) [More]
UC Browser removed from Google Play Store, possibly banned for data theft UC Browser removed from Google Play Store, possibly banned for data theft [More]