Share Google plus public stream to Twitter If you are using Google+ and Twitter, and updating same things on Google+ and Twitter, the service available on ManageFlitter may be helpful for you. You can easily setup this. have some aditional features, which will help you to decide whether to ad... [More]
Windows Live Writer Plug-in to Update Twitter Status with Twitter oAuth Yesterday I finished changing the Windows Live Writer Plug-in which will help you to update your twitter status when ever you post from your Windows Live Writer. The earlier versions where using the username and password to authenticate twitter (Twit... [More]
Retweet button from Twitter Twitter introduces retweet button. You can have different formats like You can add the twee [More]
Tweet Pivot - Visualize Twitter Data Tweet Pivot combines Twitter data with Microsoft Live Lab's Pivot Silverlight plugin to give you the ability to view your Twitter life in a completely new way. A specific twitter id Details Location wise filters At the moment you can ... [More]
New Twitter Plug-in for Windows Live Writer First of all I need to thank aaronjbregel, Scott Lovegrove, just because of them I modified the Twitter plug-in for Windows Live writer which I wrote earlier. The one which I wrote earlier was not ready to any users (You need to change the code... [More]
Twitter Launches @Earlybird - Revenue-Earning Exclusive Offers Twitter @earlybird Exclusive Offers are special time-bound deals, sneak-peeks, and events that are promoted by the official Twitter @earlybird account. We partner with select advertisers and retweet offers that they have crafted only for the Twitter ... [More]
Fifa world cup 2010 and Twitter Earlier we have posted about the Twitter accounts of Fifa Fifa official twitter accounts and world cup 2010 Live updates on Twitter. Now here are some other twitter things related to Fifa world cup 2010 1. the Hash tags. Twitter is adding... [More]
Free Twitter back grounds and Design your Twitter backgrounds for Free You can see three twitter accounts 1. Geekiest.Net 2. Krishnans 3. downloadsongsin GeekiestNet design is inspired from TwitBacks where you can create an account and create your own twitter background with details. It is very easy. 1. Go to... [More]
19 Free technical Magazines and documents Here are 19 Free technical Magazines,Previews and documents, You can just go to the corresponding link and give the details. The link to download will be send to your email address. Am just listing 19 Free technical Magazines and documents while you ... [More]
Integrate Twitter into your Website twitter developers launched @Anywhere which will help you to integrate Twitter into Your website. It supports 1. Auto-linkification of Twitter usernames Where ever you use @username it will automatically link them to Twitter username. Like w... [More]