Samsung Galaxy S7 to be sold for Rs. 29,990 during the Flipkart Big Billion Days Sale Samsung Galaxy S7 to be sold for Rs. 29,990 during the Flipkart Big Billion Days Sale. Here's what you need to know. [More]
How to use 2 SIM cards and SD card together phones like Redmi Note 3 and Samsung galaxy S7 Use Two SIM cards and Micro SD card together on devices like Redmi Note 3, Samsung galaxy S7, Samsung galaxy S7 Edge. [More]
Drop test - iPhone 6s Plus V/s Galaxy S7 Edge Drop test of the latest Samsung Galaxy S7 edge and iPhone 6s Plus. [More]
Samsung Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge–Specifications. Pre-Register for a device now Sasmung Galaxy S7 specifications [More]