Grand Theft Auto V is heading to PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. It’s official people. Rockstar Games have officially announced GTA V for PCs. Ever since the game was released for the PlayStation 3 and the Xbox 360, rumors have been flying all over the internet about versions for various platforms. Especially... [More]
Sniper Elite V2 is free today on Steam The Sniper Elite games are a popular series amongst fans of shooting games. In case you haven’t heard of the game, it is a Third Person Shooter set in the World War II period. You play as Lieutenant Karl Fairburn, who is sent behind enemy lines, ... [More]
Infinity Blade II is free at the iTunes store for a limited time (normally $6.99) If you are an iOS gamer, chances are you have heard of Infinity Blade. Its a popular fighting game series, where your character has to battle monsters in one on one battles. The gameplay is quite simple, you have to dodge or block the enemy’s att... [More]
Free game from Microsoft - Microsoft Treasure Hunt Here is a new game for all Windows 8 users from Microsoft, Microsoft Treasure Hunt. Are you a remember Minesweeper ? this game is something like that but with more features and animation. Your aim is to get the treasure but will have to avoid... [More]
Get Battlefield 3 for PC (Standard Edition) for free until June 3rd EA are giving away Battlefield 3 for the next few days, as part of their “On The House” promo. Unfortunately they are not giving away the Premium Edition of the game but still the Standard Edition is worth it, especially when you can get it for fr... [More]
Assassin’s Creed Pirates for the Web gets a free to play demo from Ubisoft & Internet Explorer French game publisher Ubisoft, have teamed up with Microsoft Internet Explorer, to release a free to play demo of their popular iOS game, Assassin's Creed Pirates. The game lets you play as Captain Alonzo Batilla, in what is actually just a ... [More]
Mutant Factions is a wonderful free online shooter game with some RPG elements Role Playing Games like Diablo are incredibly popular. Why? Because of the endless customization they offer, apart from the thrilling gameplay, of course. Mutant Factions is an online shooter game, which mixes modern weaponry and RPG elements. H... [More]
Age of Mythology: Extended Edition is now available for Pre-order on Steam, game launches on May 8th Age of Mythology fans, we have some terrific news for you. The Extended Edition of AoM, is up for [More]
Get Rabbids Big Bang for Windows Phone for free Ubisoft have announced that they are making their physics based game, Rabbids Big Bang, for Windows Phone, free for a week. The gameplay is similar to Angry Birds Space. You have to launch your Rabbid with a bat, into space to collect variou... [More]
Fans create a list of all the video games ever made Have you ever wondered how many video games have ever been made? Well, apparently you are not alone. A 4chan member named, Data_baser has put together an incredible database, listing all the video games released for various consoles. And t... [More]