Generate Lorem Ipsum using word Normally when ever i need this Lorem Ipsum text, what i do is visit the website and create needed text. Today Amit posted how to generate the Lorem Ipsum text using Microsoft Word. This is simple just type =lorem() and press En... [More] Trojan On Google chrome i got one of my site blocked, which uses PHP. Here is the screen shot and my Kaspersky blocked one This Trojan is coming normally from the files uploaded from the affected machines. And this will work only if the file ... [More]
How to create fake credit card numbers You can get Fake credit card numbers and addresses at FakenameGenerator. The author of that website [More]
How to disable Adsense interest based advertisement on your website Google introduced interest based advertisements and it asked to change the privacy policy of your website since it will use cookies to analyse the user interests and display ads according to that. user can opt out from this feature , they have given ... [More]
Free 2 Year Hosting with a domain on Dream host for Geocities users We wrote about free application hosting from DreamHost. Now it is free hosting for geocities users. You may know that yahoo is about to stop its service Geocities. So if you already have a geocities account, you can get a 2 year webhosting with a do... [More]
Automatically Install commonly used programs Smart Installer Pack (SIP) will install some coomonly used applications on your machine. This will be very handy if you are doing a fresh install. this pack contains Yahoo Messenger Yahoo Widgets Skype Google Earth Winamp ... [More]
Video chat through browser Gmail chat Gmail introduces video chat with out installing the chat software. (you will have to install an active x since it will have to capture the video and sound). This is a very nice feature since you will not have to download and install the cha... [More]
The last addressbook operation did not succeeded due to a server error Error Code: -40031 I got the following error when i tried to update a contact detail on my yahoo messenger. Am using ve [More]
Quick And Easy Fixes For Common Computer Problems Because your computer is a complex combination of hardware and software components, there can be an infinite number of reasons why errors occur on your PC. For instance, run time error 75 may occur on your Windows 95 computer if you attempt to ... [More]
Post to Twitter with out visiting the Twitter site using C# I have just written an application which will allow you to post to Twitter with out visiting the website. This is just a small exe file of 36KB size. 1. It will not store your Twitter username or password anywhere – so you will have to en... [More]