Technology, Smartphones, Games

Free eBook- Social Media marketing for Dummies

Dell offers a free eBook which will help you to spread the word about your business through social media websites like Twitter, FaceBook etc. Chapters Understanding social influence marketing Marketing via niche networks and online influences... [More]

Microsoft Ribbon for WPF released

The Microsoft Ribbon for Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) is a WPF implementation of ribbon that includes all of the basic ribbon features and functionality, including tabs, groups, controls, a Quick Access Toolbar, integration with the window t... [More]

Google to Stop Google Wave

Google to stop one of their product named Google wave by the end of this year. Google wave was hyped as an email killer which allows real time online collaboration tool which showed character-by character typing and more. Due to lack of user intere... [More]

Chelsea Clinton BlackHat SEO and fake Antivirus

Chelsea Clinton daughter of former US president Bill Clinton and  Hillary Clinton (Secretary of State ), is one of the most searched keywords as she got married on 31st July 2010. This BlackHat SEO as you can see on the above image shows many m... [More]