Trusted Contacts is a new personal safety app from Google, which notifies your close relatives or friends about your location.

We have all been there, we promised a friend or relative we'll meet them somewhere, but we couldn't reach the place on time. It could be because of traffic, or some other issue, or simply because we were lazy.
But the person who was waiting for us didn't know why we were late, and as a result they could be anxious and panicking, worrying about our safety. God Bless them. But, with Google's Trusted Contacts app, you will be able to choose, to share your location with the peoples closest to you. Simply install the app, and choose which friends or family members to add as your "trusted contacts". Then allow them to request your location, which they can then request.

All is well? Simply deny the request. If you do not respond within 5 minutes, the location where you were last online in, will be sent to them automatically. This works even your battery has died. That's pretty cool, in case you are delayed or find yourself in a situattion where you're lost or have no cell service, so your trusted contact can call in a resuce team or the police to help you.

Also, if you feel you are in danger, or in an emergency, you will be able to share your location, before something happens. And your trusted contacts can always use the app, to see when you were last active, i.e., status. so they can be assured you're okay.
Download Trusted Contacts for free from the Google Play Store.
Safety first.