My Opera is a place where you can blog, share photos, Add friend etc. I started my blogging on My Opera and this was my opera blog link..
Now opera decided to close My Opera. My opera will be shutdown on March 1 2014.
If you are a user you can download the files you uploaded or export your blog and move it to some other platforms like WordPress too. You read more about it here
To move your blog from MyOpera to Wordpress
- Log in to My Opera.
- Navigate to your account settings.
- Hover your mouse over the wrench icon in the top right.
- Click on 'Account'.
- Click the 'Blog settings' link.
- Click the 'export your blog' button at the top of the page.
You will receive an email when your export is ready. Save that XML.
On WordPress account Dashboard, select Tools => Import and choose My Opera, and select and upload the XML file you download from MyOpera.
Here is a sample exported from My Opera
If you were using Opera email service, you can set auto reply and auto forwarding.