Technology, Smartphones, Games

How to Share Games on PS5 with your friend

PlayStation 5 presents a remarkable collection of games developed over recent years, with compatibility for a wide range of PS4 titles, offering players numerous options to explore. Sharing games has shifted in the digital era, where physical discs are no longer the norm. Instead, PS5 introduces Console Sharing which makes game sharing a bit more easier with-in the console and between the consoles/PSN accounts.

Sharing games among PSN accounts on the same console is a simple and common practice. You can easily enable this feature by navigating to Settings > Users and Accounts > Other, then enabling Console Sharing and Offline Play. Conversely, disabling this feature will prevent other PSN accounts on the same console from accessing games purchased or added by the primary PSN account.



Now let’s get into the real deal.

Learn how to share games, including those from PlayStation Plus, with a friend, allowing both of you to enjoy all features with just one subscription, effectively halving the cost.

While this practice is not commonly endorsed by Sony, sharing top-tier games, including those from PlayStation Plus, with a friend at a reduced cost is often advised by the gaming community. Let’s see how it’s done.

Please Note: You can only share games with only one friend/console.

Here's how to share your Games and PlayStation Plus subscription with a friend:

Let's say you're subscribed to PlayStation Plus and want to share it with your friend, granting them access to all its features and games.

Step 1:

  • On your console, navigate to Settings > Users and Accounts > Other, then disable (As shown in the picture above) Console Sharing and Offline Play.

Step 2:

  • On your friend's console, remove all PSN accounts and sign in with your own account, setting it as the primary account.
  • Proceed to Settings > Users and Accounts > Other, and enable (As shown in the picture above) Console Sharing and Offline Play.
  • Log out from your account (but do not remove it).
  • Have your friend sign in with their own PSN account.

That's it. Your friend can now access all the features and games of your PSN account on their console, regardless of their location. (However, it's recommended to select a friend from your region.)

Happy Gaming :)