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Free Full Version PC & Mac Games at Bigfishgames

Free games at Bigfishgames

Here you can get Full version games from Bigfishgames for free.

The games available are


free game Phantasmat

Phantasmat by Codeminion is an interactive, mystery Hidden Object game with an engaging and stirring storyline. It is about a sunken town and the secrets of it. After crashing your car in the middle of nowhere, you stumble upon a mysterious town with a shady background. The Drowned Dead Hotel, a lonely forgotten structure leaning from a cliff. Beneath lies a dark and cold lake that used to be a lively town. What secrets are buried at the bottom of the muddy waters? Uncover the secrets of the quiet town that was submerged in a dam accident in Phantasmat! Dive into this incredible Hidden Object Puzzle Adventure game and get to the bottom of this long forgotten tragedy.

PC Version | Mac Version

Puppetshow Mystery of Joyville

Puppetshow Mystery of Joyville

The puppet show in Joyville was once a wondrous attraction until the great fire. Now, rusted gears and dark mysteries lay within strange machinations and disheveled puppets. A young boy, Simon, is the most recent in a long line of missing people. In PuppetShow: Mystery of Joyville, you are tasked with solving nefarious puzzles, finding hidden clues, and uncovering the dark secrets of a town that is anything but joyful.

PC Version | Mac Version

Puppetshow Return to Joyville

Free game Puppetshow Return to Joyville

Travel back in time to help stop a terrible fire that started Felicia down her destructive path in PuppetShow: Return to Joyville! This time traveling adventure takes you back to Joyville when Felicia was a small child. With the help of Felicia, try to stop the fire that incinerated her fathers theater. This fire horribly burned Felicia, and caused her to turn evil. By changing the past, Felicia hopes for a chance at redemption. Discover who the true villain is in this captivating adventure!

PC Version | Mac Version

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Free Full Version PC and Mac Games at Bigfishgames

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[Via MostIWant]