Readers of our blog, would be familiar with the Xolo Win Q900S, which we have covered earlier.
We told you it would be available exclusively on Snapdeal, and we were astonished to see it on Flipkart a few days back.
But it appears that there is an Android Phone which uses the same model number Xolo Q900S. And people who ordered the Windows Phone version from Flipkart, received the Android version instead.
A few users reported the same at the reviews section at the retailer’s website.
Here is my tweet dated July 27th where I questioned Flipkart and Xolo about the reviews.
Naturally, they did not reply to me, because it would have meant that they accept responsibility for the fiasco. And, I have also noticed that Flipkart have deleted a third review from the page, which was present yesterday.
Later, the phone was marked as “Out of stock”, but surprisingly the phone is now “In Stock” again on Flipkart.
It also says that the product will be delivered by 4th August, whereas Snapdeal still reports that it will be released in the fourth week of July, which is almost over.
Update: Flipkart has deleted all the reviews and ratings now.
Also, the seller has changed from BottomLine, to AnilInternational.
Still, that is no excuse to delete the reviews and ratings, since they are not related to the seller’s ratings.
Update 2:
One more user reports receiving the Android version of the phone:
Sreyas Vitta ( 23 Jul 2014 )
I received Android version instead of Windows version. Now requested to return the product back. If anyone booking this product be careful.
And the reviews are all back, you can read them here.
This is getting very weird indeed.