Technology, Smartphones, Games

Facebook Hacker Cup 2013

Facebook Hacker Cup 2013

Are you a Hacker ? here is a chance to win $10,000. You can participate on Facebook Hacker Cup 2013 and you can.

1st Place: $10,000 USD

2nd Place: $2,000 USD

3rd Place: $1,000 USD

4th-25th Place: $100 USD

There are 4 rounds for the competition were first three will be online and the last will be on on March 22, 2013 at the Facebook offices in Menlo Park, California, USA

The Qualification Round starts on January 25, 2013 at 4:00 PM PT and will last 72 hours. Here's the start time in different time zones around the world:

Here is how the competition is

  1. Before the competition starts, we'll post a link that you can use to access the problems for that round.
  2. Write a program to solve the problem. You can use any programming language that has a free compiler or interpreter available. Your program will need to solve the input file in less than 6 minutes.
  3. Make sure that your program exactly follows the input and output formats. When you run your program on the sample input, it should produce the sample output.
  4. When you are confident that your program is correct, download the input file. This will start a 6-minute timer. You must upload your output and your source code before the timer ends to get credit for the problem.
  5. If you accidentally submit the wrong files or you realize that there is a problem with your program, you can resubmit as many times as you need to during the 6 minutes. Once the 6 minutes has ended, you may not submit again for that problem. The last submission within the 6 minutes will be used for grading.
  6. After the round has ended, we'll judge the problems. If you advanced to the next round you'll be notified via email.  

Read more here

You can register here