Cloud storage space can be used to store your backup files which will be secure even in case of anything happened to the hard drives. You can also use the space to share files with others too.
Zoolz offer two kind of storage, Cold storage and Hot storage. For the normal FREE account under Zoolz Intelligent Cloud where they provide 75GB of free cloud storage is divided into 25GB of hot storage and 50GB of cold storage.
Cold Storage
Here the files which you are not frequently used are stored, these are not readily available for you.
Hot storage
Like all other cloud storage, the files will be available readily.
The Hybrid+ backup option will store a copy of the backup to your local drive or network drive while Zools upload your backup to their server, this will improve the speed of restoring when you need it.
Now the company is running a special offer where users can get an additional cloud storage of 25GB, that is a total of 100GB for life time. to get this feature signup using this link.
Remember this is a limited offer, as am writing this article, only 27994 more free accounts left. so if you are interested in this offer, grab it fast.
Features of the FREE plan (75GB)
25GB of Hot Storage
50GB of Cold Storage
5 Users
Up to 5 Mobiles / Tablets Backup
1 Server
Media Streaming
Support Mobiles / Tablets Backup
Content Search & eDiscovery
Support Cloud Services Backup
Users / Policy Management
100 OCR Pages
The company also provide a Home version where the Free accounts will get 7GB of FREE space, features includes the following
1 User
3 Computers
2 Mobile/Tablets Devices
SD Video Streaming
No Backup Limitations
1 External Drive