Technology, Smartphones, Games

Copy - Free Cloud storage

Copy - Free Cloud storage

Copy is a new cloud storage system which you can use for  backup, share your files.

It will help you to sync your files between your computer, smart phone and tablets. You can also use this to share files between your computers with different operating systems.

Copy supports



Mac OS




Share files and folders

Share publicly or by private invite only

Share view-only or let people sync and edit

send as email attachment

The copy offers 15GB of free space for personal users, and a Tweet to get 2 GB space.

 Tweet to get 2 GB cloud storage space

For a short time they are providing 5GB of additional space when ever you refer a friend. The main attraction is that when you refer someone, he also can get an additional 5GB space.

Free 5GB of additional space on Copy

So here is my referral link if you use this both of us can get additional 5GB of cloud storage space. If you don’t want to use the referral link here is the link