The normal uninstalling process may leave some files or registry entries on your PC, this application will help you to remove them also. Ashampoo Uninstaller 10 helps you to remove an installed application on your Windows computer completely. It also have few other handy tools.
We have done reviews and giveaways of previous versions of this software earlier. Last time there was no giveaway (Ashampoo Uninstaller 7 Review) this time we have 3 full version licenses for our readers.
You can allow the Ashampoo Uninstaller to track all new installations or install the application via the Install menu from the Uninstaller. By doing so Ashampoo Uninstaller will log all the changes made by the installer so that when you uninstall the application, it can easily remove each and every changes done by the newly installed application.
Uninstalling an application
You can either choose the application from the list provided by Uninstaller, on you can drag and drop shortcut to the “Drag&Drop Uninstall (UI9)” desktop icon.
Choose the options before you proceed.
Watch the video below for more information.
Under tools section you can find few handy tools.
Drive Cleaner – Removes unwanted files, like temporary files, History, memory dumps etc.
Registry Optimizer –Fix registry entries and remove unwanted registry entries.
registry Defrag – Defragment and optimize registry entries for faster access
Internet Cleaner – Remove internet browsing traces.
Startup Tuner – Help to manage the applications starting when Windows is loaded.
Service Manager – Manage system and other services.
Undeleter – Recover accidently deleted files from your hard disk.
File Wiper – Delete files permanently (Undeleter will not be able to recover files deleted in this way)
Unlocker – Unlock files currently in use.
File Associator – Manage file types and programs to handle them
You can check Ashampoo Uninstaller 10 home page for more details of it.
We have 3 full version license of Ashampoo Uninstaller 10, Thank you Angela from Ashampoo.
Ashampoo UnInstaller 10
All the best !