New WhatsApp Features New WhatsApp features includes front facing flash support, Edit pictures before send etc. [More]
WhatsApp - How to disable sharing of Account info with Facebook Opt-Out WhatsApp account information sharing with facebook. [More]
Official WhatsApp Desktop application for Windows and Mac Official WhatsApp Desktop application for Windows and Mac. [More]
WhatsApp End to End encryption–Better security upgrade your WhatsApp WhatsApp end to end security enabled on latest version. [More]
How to get WhatsApp beta versions Here is how you can join as WhatsApp beta tester and get beta builds via play store [More]
WhatsApp Call is now available for Windows Phone users WhatsApp Call is now available on Windows Phone. [More]
WhatsApp–Backup chats to Google Drive WhatsApp now supports backingup of chats to Google Drive. Here is how to enable it. [More]