Create Live wallpaper from Gif Do you want to create a Live wallpaper for your android devices from a Gif file ? it is simple, you need two things for this 1. GIF Frame Extractor from Evan’s Web Site, This will help you to extract the frames of a gif and save them as P... [More]
Giveaway Photoshop – Mastering the Fundamentals online course You can get a free online Photoshop course, which covers the following Module 1: Introduction to Photoshop Introduction to the Course Where to Download Photoshop Review of the User... [More]
How to create an Apex Launcher Theme Apex launcher is a cool launcher for the android phones. So if you are an Apex user, you can create a theme for the Apex launcher so easily. First you need to have setup an Android development environment How To Setup Android Development Environment ... [More]
Understanding Google Plus V2.0 and Digging Into Ripples Are you new to Goggle+ ? this will be very helpful for you. Check the original post UNDERSTANDING GOOGLE+ v2.0 Also you can check the following Chrome add-on which can help you to decide which Circles show up in your Google+ Stream. So if you ... [More]
Free eBook - Windows 7 Power Users Guide Contents Installing and getting started with Windows 7 Finding your way around Get more done with Windows 7 Searching for files and data Communicating with our home and the outside world Keeping your PC and your files safe Ge... [More]
Free eBook - C# Tips, Tricks for Beginners The Windows Club released a new free eBook C# Tips, Tricks for Beginners. If you are a beginner in C# programming this will be a real helpful one. Contents HOW TO CREATE SQL CONNECTION IN C# HOW TO WRITE TEXT TO A TXT FILE IN ... [More]
Really helpful YouTube channel for Students - video lectures from Professors of various IIT's Here is a YouTube video channel which will be very very helpful for all Students (Core Sciences, Civil Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Mechanical Engineering,) - Here i... [More]
How to create a Windows 7 Theme Here is an article from Microsoft which will tell you how to create a custom desktop theme in 7 easy steps. The 7 steps are 1. Get to know themes 2. Change the desktop background 3. Choose your favorite photos 4. Change window borders ... [More]
Chat with msn contacts using Opera built-in IRC Did you know that opera can be used as a chat client using its built-in IRC?Here are the steps to make opera a chat client:1. Go to Tools > Mail and chat accounts.2. Create a new account and select New Chat(IRC) account and click next.3. Fill name... [More]
Superb Attractive Photo Effects - Photoshop Tutorials Just found a cool post on noupe, showcasing 40 Attractive Photo Effects on Photoshop and their tutorials, you can see some of the samples below. Find $0 of these kind and links to their tutorials on noupe here