How to switch to the old UI of Feedly with subscriber count, mark older than one day as read and more options How to switch to the old UI of Feedly with subscriber count, mark older than one day as read and more options [More]
DIY– Amazon Echo like voice activated smart speaker using Raspberry Pi Create voice activated Smart speaker like Amazon Echo using Raspberry Pi. [More]
23 Udemy courses worth more than $2000 for FREE 23 UDemy courses on diferent subjects worth more than $2000 for FREE for a limited time. [More]
Visual Studio Dev Essentials–Adds USD300 Azure Credits and Xamarin University Access for FREE Get $300 Azure Credits and Xamarin University Access and more tools and Training courses for FREE [More]
Khan Academy beta is available for Android devices Khan Academy beta application is available for Android devices. [More]
Android and Web Development courses FREE from Google and Udacity FREE Online video tutorials developed by Google experts on Android development and web development. [More]
How to Remove “Message Not Sent” notification on Android I was receiving a notification saying “Message not sent, Touch to review the message and try again”, when you touch the notification it will just open the message application that’s all. If you remove the notification it will come again when you open... [More]
Khan Academy–Over 150,000 exercises for iPad users for Free - study outside of the classroom More than 5000 exercises for iPhone and iPad users and 150,000 additional exercises for iPad users for free [More]