Lava to launch next gen Android One device at 12,000Rs Google Android one has been making news since its inception and launch a few years ago. The Android One project aimed to provide stock Android experience and updates directly from Google without relying on the support of the OEM. Thus it means two th... [More]
YU announces two health Devices YuFit band and HealthYu Micromax announced YuFit fitness band with OLED display and HealthYu to calculate your body vitals. [More]
Micromax announced Yuphoria in India- Priced INR 6999 Micromax announced new 5 inch smart phone Yuphoria with an affordable price of INR 6999 [More]
Yu Yureka Vs Lenovo A7000–INR 8999 phones Two phones with same Price and same screen size. Let us see the other specs of these phones YU Yureka (Micromax) Lenovo A7000 Price ... [More]