Technology, Smartphones, Games

Lockscreenify–Customize your Windows 8 Lock Screen

Lockscreenify is an application which will help you to bypass the limitations of customizing your windows 8 lock screen. This application can add widgets like Weather, Calendar, Notes , stock, Your favorite sports team etc. to your lock screen. You c... [More]

Read 15 million publications for free

Here is a wonderful application for the readers. This application will help you to read nearly 15 million publications online. It have magazines of different categories like family, fashion, design, sports, photography, weddings, technology, and styl... [More]

Free game from Microsoft - Microsoft Treasure Hunt

Here is a new game for all Windows 8 users from Microsoft, Microsoft Treasure Hunt. Are you a remember Minesweeper ? this game is something like that but with more features and animation.  Your aim is to get the treasure but will have to avoid... [More]