Technology, Smartphones, Games

Chat with msn contacts using Opera built-in IRC

Did you know that opera can be used as a chat client using its built-in IRC?Here are the steps to make opera a chat client:1. Go to Tools > Mail and chat accounts.2. Create a new account and select New Chat(IRC) account and click next.3. Fill name... [More]

New homepage is out is rolling out its new design to users now. The new design is simple and clean. You can check friend’s Tweets and facebook statuses on the new MSN home page design. see the screenshot now     When i tried to access the ... [More]

Hotmail, live and MSN ids hacked – Are you one of them ?

Neowin reported that on October 1, a user posted more than 10,000 account names(includes, and accounts.) and passwords to The entry is deleted but neowin reports that they have verified that the accounts ... [More]