iOS 11.0.1 update released: Here’s what's new in it? iOS 11.0.1 update released: What's new in it? [More]
iOS 10 update bricks iPhones and iPads, Apple asks users to connect to iTunes to fix it How to fix iPhone bricked while updating to iOS 10. Apple messed up while rolling out the update, and the only way is to use iTunes to fix it. [More]
Assassin’s Creed Identity will be released on February 25th for iOS All you need to know about Assassin’s Creed Identity for iOS. Gameplay, controls and the RPG mechanics in the game. [More]
Microsoft Selfie for iOS Microsoft released Selfie app for iOS users to enhance photos with just one click. [More]
Thanksgiving Giveaway–FREE PhoneClean 4 full version licenses Grab PhoneClean 4 for your iPhone and iPad for FREE for a limited time. [More]
Gameloft’s Order & Chaos 2– Free game for Windows Phone and iOS devices Gameloft announced the famous MMORPG Order & chaos 2 for Windows Phone and iOS devices. [More]
6 Paid iOS applications and Games for Free for a limited time Garb 6 Apps and Games for your iPhone, iPad, IPod or iPod touch FREE for a limited time. [More]
FREE Tower Madness 2, Angel Sword, Kingdom Rush HD - Giveaway iOS games for a limited time Grab 3 iOS games for FREE for a limited time. [More]
Infinity Blade III Game FREE for a limited time Get Infinity Blade III FREE for a limited time. [More]