Technology, Smartphones, Games

Kaspersky Security Products upgrade to 2014

  Kaspersky released the latest versions of its security products like Internet Security, Anti-virus etc. to 2014. If you are already a Kaspersky User you can upgrade your product for free. The new Version have a redesigned GUI. Better ... [More]

Software to shutdown PC automatically

Shutter is a simple software for Windows which is used to shutdown, hibernate or restart your PC after a specific time. for example  if you are listening music for a long time, you can set a time for shutdown your PC and you can sleep or go for ... [More]

Internet Explorer 11 Developer Preview for Windows 7

Microsoft released Internet Explorer 11 developer preview, which will be available for Windows 7.  Remember it is a prerelease version of IE 11, so it may have bugs, so install at your own risks. Microsoft claims it have better performance and ... [More]

Copy - Free Cloud storage

Copy is a new cloud storage system which you can use for  backup, share your files. It will help you to sync your files between your computer, smart phone and tablets. You can also use this to share files between your computers with different ... [More]

Windows theme for Bicycle lovers - Bicycle Ride theme

Bicycle Ride theme is a cool beautiful Windows theme which is having 9 beautiful wallpapers which you can see below. If you are a Bicycle lover you will love these wallpapers and this theme. The wallpapers are by the Photographer Yang Ming-Huang who ... [More]

Chinese New Year Windows theme - Best of Bing

Chinese newyear 2013 started on Sunday, February 10 . Each Chinese year make shift in the Zodiac and this year is of Snake. Microsoft released a new theme for windows on the Chinese new year which includes 9 wallpapers Hot pink pin wheels, brig... [More]