Telegram launched Premium subscription Telegram Premium subscription Rate, Features, how to get it etc. [More]
Telegram 4.0 update brings video messages, instant view, payments and more Telegram 4.0 update brings video messages, instant view and more [More]
Telegram released Desktop Version 1.0 with new features and theme support Telegram Desktop version one, what is new [More]
Telegram for Android adds delete messages for everyone, network usage stats, new emojis and more Telegram for Android adds delete messages for everyone, network usage stats, new emojis and more [More]
Use Skype without an account to make calls, video calls, one on one chat, group chats and more Use Skype without an account to make calls, video calls, one on one chat, group chats and more [More]
Access WhatsApp from your computer via browser Access whatsapp from your computer with out any additional software. The official web version of whatsapp is live. [More]
Viber is offering a new set of stickers, The Sochi Olympics 2014, for free for 24 hours. VOIP and texting service, Viber are offering a new set of stickers for free, ahead of the Sochi Olympics 2014. The Sochi Olympics 2014, is the 22nd Second Edition of the Winter Olympics and begins on 7th February , and will e... [More]