Technology, Smartphones, Games

Manchester United is on Twitter now

Manchester United have started its official verified twitter account today, It is having more than 233,000 followers in just 6 hours after its first tweet. You can follow the twitter from this link Here are some tweets related to it ... [More]

Awesome FIFA world 2010 Schedule - Calender

  Here is an awesome online Fifa world 2010 Schedule. Using this you can easily find the Schedule by categorized into Team, Date, Stadium and groups. You need to mouse over on a specific item it will display the scedule of thar particular item... [More]

Fifa world cup 2010 theme for Windows 7 from Microsoft

  Fifa world cup 2010 South Africa is so close and Microsoft is also joining the party with a new Windows 7 Theme. It includes 10 wallpapers from the EA sports game Bring the excitement of the World Cup to your desktop with this Windows 7 ... [More]

Google and FIFA 2010 World Cup

Just saw that, Google have two new things to show when you search "FIFA 2010 World Cup " (with or without quotes 1. Instead of the Goooooogle   it will show Gooooooooooooal   2. You can see the Count down, Upcoming Match... [More]