Uninstall or Downgrade DirectX I had an issue with DirectX 9 and I wanted to uninstall or downgrade the version. After searching for a while I found that it is impossible to uninstall the DirectX from Windows since windows is shipped with DirectX. The only option is to downg... [More]
How to change default browser If you would like to change your default browser, with out using the browser setup [which may not wo [More]
How to check DirectX Version If you want to check the version of direct X you installed on your machine, it is simple 1. Start Menu => Run (Windows key+R will also open the same) 2. Type dxdiag on the Run box and press OK 3. An alert window will raise with a content like “... [More]
Disable Auto Run Too many worms and viruses are attacking through the thumb drives (also known as USB drive or Pen drive), they are utilizing the Auto-run facility. You can disable the auto-run facility to avoid this issue. To disable 1. Start Menu => Run (Window... [More]
Free Tech support from Microsoft Microsoft offers free tech support for its users. It is by Email or toll free numbers. Remember you [More]
Orkut Lightest version Orkut introduced a light version for those who are accessing it from low bandwidth Internet connection. (Click to see larger picture) This is too light and loading very fast, this will display a small image instead of photos, and clicking on that... [More]
5 Steps to Interpreting What Your Error Message Means Windows error messages may look absurd and confusing, however, if you read them carefully, you may be able to interpret them and try to resolve them. In this article, we are going to explain a few common types of Windows errors to help you understand... [More]
Add AdSense for Search in .net pages If you are trying to add AdSense for Search in your aspx (ASP.NET) pages, this will not work, since the aspx page already have a form tag and similarly the code which is given by the Google. So I don’t know whether this is the proper method to... [More]
Could not access some websites I was unable to access some websites from my home machine like opera, comstat etc. While Google,yahoo, MSn does not have any issues. So i just searched for the solution. I found articles saying too many things to solve this issues, most of them faile... [More]
Test your computer resources Load test Heavyload is intended to stress all resources of a PC (the CPU, RAM, hard disk, network, operating system, etc.) in order to test reliability under a heavy load. This is useful for testing important MS Windows file or database servers bef... [More]